This is one crazy half a cup.
Please, come in.
Comms Strategy| Branding & Storytelling | Freelance Writing

This question's a tough one I've always had trouble with.
Official answer: I roamed around the private and non profit sector, specialized in creative industries and theory of design, took on jobs on branding, internal communications, UX, employer brand, freelance writing, advertising and have always tried to keep it varied and varying. I learned how different the meaning and needs of communications can be in an NGO, an agency and a multinational company. But it's always about listening, understanding what's behind what's being said, and effectively translating that into a work strategy, an idea or amazing copy.

Off the record answer: I'm a word obsessed writer with a love for finding, curating and editing awesome content in whichever format.
I listen to people and put things into words. Simple and impactful words that can be translated into a business narrative, a book, a podcast, an idea for a project, a full fledged brand identity or amazing copy.
I happily live for that. And you can happily hire me to do that for you.
Brand Identity
Brand identity is not given, it's a thoroughly thought through chosen system of values that interact with and are permeable to the world. I work to make these awesome for who you are today and scalable for who you'll be tomorrow
Ghost Writing
Remember what we said about being an attentive listener? That's the magic of ghostwriting: knowing what to ask, to whom, and how to translate that into what you need it to be. Ideas, index, execution included.
Content Creation
Be it an article, a podcast, catchy and punchy taglines or an end to end communications campaign to reach out to your target audiences, wherever they may be, English or Spanish, I'm your gal. If it’s meant to mobilize people, I can find how to make it resonate.
Sometimes you know something is off, but not quite sure what it is. And that stops you from getting to work. We can figure it out together with research and brainstorming. I’ll help you open Pandora’s box and sort its contents.
Brands always need a story
Stories bring people in. We love a good story. So much that good content isn't even what you're saying, it's about how.
If people are idiots, why so much research?
We have a very high esteem for stats for the low esteem we have for people
Editing Change My Mind
Experts from all over the world collided to share their knowledge and make this happen. We proud as hell.
The kettle is always boiling and there's plenty of tea on the shelf. Pick the day that best suits you.

Though if you're more of the shy type, you can always email me at [email protected]
I’m a mix and matcher at heart. I mix friends together, music genres, coffee and mate with dinner, humor with serious matters and you will always find something that seems out of place in my house but actually isn’t. Like how I use my bed as a table and keep the table immaculate.
We assign roles and create structures to pave our way through the day. And, every once in a while, it’s good to break these. Which is why I believe creativity is not about creating something entirely new, but reassembling links we forgot were there and now we simply can’t unsee.
Today, I’m working with an AMAZING team, both Independently under what I call Half A Cup Of Tea, which is more design, story, writing and branding oriented, and with Sunstone providing the tools for any organization or person to navigate their strategy with clarity. In my case, from the perspective of strategic narratives.